Saturday, January 25, 2014

Whatsapp on PC

Whatsapp on PC? Yes. We know that Whatsapp is a best social messaging apps available right now. It has billion of users all over the world. Now whatsapp is available on PC you can view the instruction here.

You want to use whatsapp but don't have compatible phone. Don't worry you can use whatsapp and other android app on your windows pc or MAC.

How To Install Whatsapp For Pc 

There are many free tools available on internet to install android apps on your pc or MAC. But the best tool to use whatsapp on pc is Bluestack. 

Bluestack is available for both Windows PC or MAC. You can download it from the above link.

Now Run the Downloaded .exe file.
whatsapp for pc

Next Click on Continue Button.

Now select the desire option and click on Install Button.

whatsapp for pc
Now wait for some time till installation get completed.

Now you need to configure it with your gmail account to access the play store.

Now to Download Whatsapp for PC , Click on the Search Icon.

Now type Whatspp in search bar.

Chose First option Whatsapp and Hit the FIND button.

Now on the first option. Whatsapp Messenger, click on the Install Button.

Now chose the suitable app store. Play store is recomended. 

Whatsapp will start downloading on your PC.

Now click on My Apps option. And then click on Whatsapp icon.

 Now to configure whatsapp with your mobile no. Enter your mobile no in appearing window.
 A confirmation code will be send to your mobile no. Enter the verification code to verify and start enjoying whatsapp on your pc.

Like whatsapp you can install other Android apps on your pc. If you have any problem in installing whatsapp for pc you can ask it in comments. 

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